From Data to Action: 15 Marketing Leaders on Utilizing Market Research

From Data to Action: 15 Marketing Leaders on Utilizing Market Research

Turning market research into effective marketing strategies is crucial for business success. We’ve gathered the best tips from managing directors, marketing strategists, and other industry experts. From segmenting data for targeted marketing to developing marketing goals before research begins, explore the diverse approaches in these fifteen expert contributions.

  • Segment Data for Targeted Marketing
  • Start with a Clear Problem Statement
  • Simplify and Organize Research Findings
  • Incorporate Customer-Feedback Loops
  • Align Research with Team Goals
  • Seek Patterns and Trends
  • Focus on the “Why” Behind Data
  • Identify How Data Aligns with Business Objectives
  • Perform Time-boxed Exercises
  • Implement a Structured Insight-to-Action Framework
  • Treat Insights as Living Business Elements
  • Analyze Data with Clients Directly
  • Meet Client Challenges with Tailored Strategies
  • Involve Stakeholders from Research Start
  • Develop Marketing Goals Before Research

Segment Data for Targeted Marketing

I focus on segmenting the data to turn market research findings into actionable marketing strategies. After gathering research, I divide the audience into segments based on shared behaviors or preferences.

For example, if the research indicates that younger audiences prefer video content while older audiences engage more with written content, I’ll build two separate strategies: video marketing and blog or article promotion. My top tip is to treat customer segments with different methods based on what the data tells you about them. This way, your marketing speaks directly to the needs of each group, making it more targeted and effective.

Shane McEvoyShane McEvoy
MD, Flycast Media

Start with a Clear Problem Statement

To ensure that market research findings translate into actionable marketing strategies, start with a crystal-clear problem statement. Too often, I see research that’s more a shot in the dark than a targeted effort—born out of panic or vague curiosity.

While exploratory research has its place, if your goal is actionable strategies, you need to zero in on one specific question you’re trying to answer. This means resisting the urge to cram every possible question into your research and keeping last-minute requests from other departments at bay. A focused question leads to a focused answer, and that’s the key to turning research into real results.

Michelle TresemerMichelle Tresemer
Marketing Strategist, Foundations First Marketing

Simplify and Organize Research Findings

The key to putting market research findings to work as actionable marketing strategies is to pare down and simplify. Many companies conduct market research and end up with a dense report or long deck that just sits on the shelf or hard drive. Someone needs to take that comprehensive report and extract the most business-critical and applicable findings. Even just a short, bulleted list of those key learnings that can be shared with all stakeholders can help, but putting them into an organized framework is ideal.

For example, I often conduct customer interviews and uncover insights to inform brand strategy. After aggregating the results, I pare down to the most important findings in a summary, along with recommendations on how to apply those findings to the business. And then I take it a step further and translate the key insights into a one-page, visually accessible framework for brand communications—a cheat sheet, if you will—that can be shared with every department, every new employee, and every agency and freelance partner to ensure a clear understanding and application of the brand personality and messaging across all communications.

With these tools in hand, I empower my clients to make use of the research findings with every customer-facing initiative.

Dana DoronDana Doron
Fractional Head of Consumer Marketing, Navi Nurses

Incorporate Customer-Feedback Loops

As the head of Business Operations at Stallion Express, I recognize the importance of turning market research into practical marketing plans for our success. A proven successful strategy is incorporating customer-feedback loops into our research methodology. By consistently interacting with our clientele through questionnaires and discussions, we acquire knowledge that directly guides our marketing efforts.

For example, after examining customer feedback, we found that 70% favored quicker delivery services. This prompted us to improve our logistics alliances, leading to a 20% rise in customer satisfaction ratings.

My experience in online retail and supply chain management gives me the skills to connect information with action. The main lesson is gathering data and actively including your customers in developing your plans. Their perspectives are priceless in crafting marketing strategies that connect and achieve outcomes.

Jen SeranJen Seran
Director of Operations, Stallion Express

Align Research with Team Goals

One of the best ways to implement market research findings into actionable strategies is to include them in your individual and overall team goals. As you use those findings to inform your goals, they will naturally become part of your strategy as they will make up a huge part of the direction you’re driving your marketing towards.

Goals naturally give us direction, so having those findings be what makes up the “meat” of your goals will make it easier to include them in the strategy. Craft your goals on the foundation of research, and you will effortlessly make your strategy stronger that way.

Megan ThiriotMegan Thiriot
Strategic Communications Manager, Visa

Seek Patterns and Trends

The key is to focus on insights that directly align with business objectives. Start by clearly defining your goals before conducting research, then analyze the data with those objectives in mind. Look for patterns and trends that reveal customer needs, preferences, and pain points relevant to your product or service. Prioritize findings that have the potential to drive meaningful change in your marketing approach or product development.

Once you’ve identified key insights, involve cross-functional teams in strategy development. Collaborate with product, sales, and customer service departments to gain diverse perspectives on how to apply the research findings. Create specific, measurable action items tied to each insight, and establish timelines and accountability for implementation. Regularly review progress and adjust strategies based on real-world results. This approach helps bridge the gap between research and action, ensuring that valuable market insights directly inform and improve your marketing efforts.

Emma SansomEmma Sansom
Managing Director, Flamingo Marketing Strategies

Focus on the “Why” Behind Data

My approach begins with focusing on the “why” behind the data. Understanding not just what consumers want, but why they want it, allows me to create strategies that resonate more deeply with target audiences.

One key strategy I use is the creation of clear, defined action steps from the research. For instance, after gathering insights on shifting consumer preferences, I break down the findings into actionable categories like product innovation, messaging tweaks, or new channels for engagement. This allows the marketing team to move swiftly from insights to execution.

I also ensure that findings are communicated in a way that makes it easy for cross-functional teams to apply them. Whether it’s a creative team needing guidance on messaging or a product team needing to know which features to prioritize, ensuring that insights are practical and relevant is essential.

Finally, I prioritize agility. The marketplace is constantly changing, so continuous refinement based on real-time data and feedback helps us stay aligned with consumer trends. My tip? Always be ready to iterate, adapt, and adjust based on evolving insights. This is what keeps strategies both effective and responsive.

Ryan KellyRyan Kelly
Chief Marketing Officer, Easy Ice

Identify How Data Aligns with Business Objectives

Focus on clear alignment between data and specific business objectives. My best tip is to prioritize actionable insights by identifying key trends, customer behaviors, and pain points from the research that directly impact your marketing goals. Once those key takeaways are identified, the next step is to tailor your strategies accordingly, turning insights into campaigns or initiatives that solve specific problems or capitalize on opportunities.

At Teami Blends, for example, we use our market research to understand customer preferences for wellness products and focus on their most common concerns, such as ingredient transparency or efficacy. We then craft targeted messaging and product positioning based on that research, ensuring our marketing speaks directly to these concerns and resonates with our target audience.

A critical strategy is to involve cross-functional teams early in the research process, from product development to sales and marketing, so they can collectively understand the findings and brainstorm how to implement them. This integrated approach not only helps translate insights into practical strategies but also ensures a unified execution. Ultimately, clear communication and collaboration between research and marketing teams drive actionable outcomes that align with customer needs and business goals.

Daisy CabralDaisy Cabral
Visionary Founder and CEO, Teami Blends

Perform Time-boxed Exercises

The best approach I implement in order to facilitate the conversion of market research results into marketing strategies is to engage the stakeholders—be it the marketing, sales, or product teams—early in the process of conducting research. Such interaction makes it possible for everybody to grasp the relevant information and agree on what these can be transformed into in practical situations.

So, after we decide what data we need to collect, and also analyze it, we perform several time-boxed exercises in order to narrow the objectives down to discrete action items. For example, if we find out that the new customers have some additional pain points, we define their solutions by devising campaigns or changes in a product. Through this linkage of research insights to the planning and execution phases of a campaign, we ensure that the marketing strategies developed are not only research-driven but also research-based toward achieving specific results.

Khurram MirKhurram Mir
Founder, Kualitee

Implement a Structured Insight-to-Action Framework

The key to translating market research into actionable marketing strategies lies in creating a structured insight-to-action framework. We’ve found success by implementing a “3-2-1” approach:

For each key finding, we identify 3 potential implications for our business, 2 specific customer segments it affects, and 1 immediate action we can take.

This method forces us to think critically about how each insight can drive tangible change. It also ensures that our strategies are directly tied to customer needs and market realities.

By involving cross-functional teams in this process, we generate diverse perspectives and foster buy-in across the organization. This collaborative approach has significantly improved our ability to rapidly implement data-driven marketing initiatives that resonate with our target audience.

Yoyao HsuehYoyao Hsueh
Founder, Blustrat Agency

Treat Insights as Living Business Elements

At RecurPost, I’ve found that the key to transforming market research findings into actionable marketing strategies is to treat insights as living elements of our business strategy. For instance, when our research showed that small business owners were overwhelmed by complex social media scheduling tools, we didn’t just note the issue—we immediately streamlined our platform to be more intuitive.

This direct alignment between research and execution has been crucial in not only meeting user needs but also in driving growth. I’ve learned that by actively listening to our market and quickly iterating based on feedback, we can stay ahead of competitors and continuously provide value to our users.

Dinesh AgarwalDinesh Agarwal
Founder, CEO, RecurPost

Analyze Data with Clients Directly

As the founder of Refresh Digital Strategy, ensuring actionable insights has been key to our success. First, we analyze research data directly with clients to identify trends and opportunities tailored to their needs. For example, by surveying a retail client’s customers, we found product offerings were unclear. Simplifying the website boosted sales by 38%.

Second, we test potential solutions through controlled experiments. A company struggled with abandoned carts, so we tried personalized email reminders. Open rates rose by 45% and revenue by 21%. They’re now standard procedure.

Finally, we pilot strategies with a subset of traffic to prove effectiveness before wide rollout. A brand wanted more social shares, so we tested social CTAs on some product pages. Shares increased by 124%, so we implemented them across the site, improving social referral traffic by 35%.

For maximum impact, make research visual and engaging for stakeholders. Test options before broad implementation. Refine based on performance. An iterative, data-driven approach turns insights into results.

Alexander PalmiereAlexander Palmiere
Founder & CEO, Refresh Digital Strategy

Meet Client Challenges with Tailored Strategies

As the CEO of Hedera, I focus on translating insights from customer research into actionable strategies. First, we meet with clients to understand their challenges and goals. For example, a hotel wanted to increase online bookings, so we optimized their website for search engines, integrated a booking engine, and implemented marketing automation. Bookings grew over 50% year-over-year.

Second, we test different approaches to find what works. When helping a restaurant improve their online reputation, we experimented with social media contests and positive review incentives. The review strategy was most effective, so we made it a standard offering.

Finally, we start small by piloting strategies with a subset of clients. With one retailer, we tested product videos and email capture on their site. Engagement and email sign-ups spiked, so we rolled it out to all clients. Sales grew over 25% as a result.

For any strategy to succeed, key stakeholders must be involved, findings presented visually, and small tests run before full implementation. Continual research and optimization are key. The strategies that generate results become new standards of best practice.

Benjamin AliceaBenjamin Alicea
Lead Consultant, Hedera LLC

Involve Stakeholders from Research Start

As the CEO of Team Genius, I ensure our research translates into results by involving key stakeholders from the start. For example, when developing our Genius Growth System, we interviewed over 100 home-service business owners to understand their challenges. We then tested different marketing messages and offers with a subset of customers to determine which resonated most before rolling out strategies to all clients.

Our research found that emphasizing how our AI-powered solutions save business owners time and money while boosting revenue performed best. We focused our messaging and offers around these benefits, leading to a 45% increase in new customers.

We start small by piloting strategies with a select group of clients. For one HVAC company, we tested targeting homeowners actively searching for new AC units on social media. Appointments booked through these ads were up 68% the following month, so we applied the tactic to all HVAC clients.

Continuous testing and optimizing based on feedback is key. What worked last year may not work today, so we keep researching and evolving our strategies to achieve the best results for our clients.

Lesly Jean-BaptisteLesly Jean-Baptiste
Owner, Team Genius Marketing

Develop Marketing Goals Before Research

The key to making sure any market research findings actually translate into actionable marketing strategies is to determine and develop your marketing goals before doing any type of marketing research. I so often see people jumping right into market research, especially audience or voice-of-customer interviews, with no plan, just a list of generic questions.

When the marketing goals are determined first—how will this research actually be used in any future marketing assets, and for what reason it’s being used—marketers can approach their research strategically in order to get the best, highest quality of research from their audience. Then, once the market research is complete, it’s easy to input their research into their actual marketing campaigns.

A simple example of this is if a company wanted to rewrite their services or product pages to increase conversions because they thought the current versions weren’t aligning with their audience’s expectations. They may choose to interview lost leads and former clients to learn exactly what messaging sold them or where their messaging fell flat. The information they learn from these interviews can immediately impact the future outline, user experience, graphics, and copy of the updated services or product pages to improve conversions now and into the future.

Erin OllilaErin Ollila
SEO Copywriter and Content Strategist, EO Copy Co.

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