Social Spotlight: Harnessing Lead Generation Potential

Social Spotlight: Harnessing Lead Generation Potential

In the digital age, social media is a cornerstone of lead generation strategies, and we’ve gathered insights from ten seasoned professionals, including Marketing Consultants and CEOs, to share their success stories. From utilizing paid social media ads to generating leads with X (formerly Twitter) campaigns, discover how these experts leverage various platforms and techniques to grow their businesses.

  • Utilize Paid Social Media Ads
  • Streamline with Facebook Lead Ads
  • Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile
  • Engage and Personalize on LinkedIn
  • Capture Leads with Facebook Offers
  • Engage Younger Audiences on TikTok
  • Monitor Competitors with Social Listening
  • Leverage Facebook Posts and Reels
  • Increase Inquiries with Sponsored Content
  • Generate Leads with X (Formerly Twitter) Campaigns

Utilize Paid Social Media Ads

Social media is crucial in our lead-generation strategy, serving as a top-of-funnel awareness tool and audience-nurturing platform. Each platform has unique strengths: TikTok for reach, Instagram for relationship building, and Pinterest for SEO-type searches. We transform our clients’ social media channels into efficient mini-marketing funnels.

One of our most effective strategies involves paid social media advertising. We create targeted, low-cost ads with compelling content aligned with our marketing initiatives—promoting resources, limited-time offers, or consultation opportunities. These ads include a call-to-action asking viewers to comment with a specific keyword, triggering an automated DM response delivering the promised content or link.

This automation collects contact information and provides value without users leaving the platform, creating a seamless customer journey. We then integrate these leads into email automation campaigns, deepening relationships and driving conversions.

Another approach combines targeted landing pages with tools like Stan Store. We craft intentional social media content guiding the audience to custom landing pages or the client’s Stan Store, both designed to move prospects through the marketing funnel.

Landing pages are optimized for conversions with clear CTAs and focused design. Stan Store offers simplicity and seamless social media integration, particularly effective for influencers or brands with a strong social presence, allowing direct monetization of their following.

Both methods extend the customer journey beyond social media, providing deeper engagement and stronger conversion opportunities. We tailor our approach to each client’s needs and audience preferences, maximizing lead generation and conversion rates.

Our strategy centers on using social media for initial audience engagement and relationship building. We believe people buy from those they know, like, and trust—and social media is often where this process begins.

This comprehensive approach effectively captures and nurtures leads, translating social media engagement into tangible business outcomes for our clients.

By leveraging platform-specific strengths, automated responses, email marketing, and targeted landing pages or Stan Store, we use social media to create multifaceted lead-generation strategies that meet prospects where they are and guide them through a seamless journey from awareness to conversion.

Michelle MerzMichelle Merz
Marketing Consultant, Slantics

Streamline with Facebook Lead Ads

Social media, particularly Facebook, plays a pivotal role in our lead-generation strategy for service-based companies. One effective technique we utilize is leveraging Facebook lead ads.

These ads are designed to streamline the lead-generation process directly within the Facebook platform. They allow users to express interest or request more information about our services without leaving Facebook.

Implementing Facebook lead ads has proven highly effective in capturing quality leads for our service-based companies. It has significantly streamlined our lead-generation process, increased our conversion rates, and ultimately contributed to growing our client base.

Devon YanceyDevon Yancey
Founder, Yancey Social

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

For my marketing consulting business, I use LinkedIn as part of my lead-generation strategy. Since many business owners are on LinkedIn, I’ve optimized my LinkedIn profile to speak directly to my target audience of small-business owners. This includes using the keywords that they may use when searching for professional marketing help so that my profile can appear in the LinkedIn search results. Once they view my profile, I have a detailed, but brief, LinkedIn bio that covers my expertise, the services I offer, and how I can help grow their business online. I provide my website so they can learn more about my services and what it’s like working with me. I also ensure to include a call to action for them to get in touch with me if they feel like we may be a good fit. This has been successful for me, as a large portion of my leads have been from LinkedIn!

Lauren GalvezLauren Galvez
SEO Consultant,

Engage and Personalize on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is our platform of choice for capturing and nurturing leads through a targeted, three-stage approach. First, we grab attention with content tailored to decision-makers’ specific industry challenges. Think bite-sized industry reports, articles, or informative carousels.

Next, we build trust by actively engaging in relevant groups and discussions, showcasing our expertise. This two-way communication positions us as thought leaders.

Finally, we leverage LinkedIn Sales Navigator to identify leads who’ve interacted with our content and personalize outreach that addresses their specific needs. This multi-stage strategy on LinkedIn captures attention, builds trust, and nurtures leads into qualified prospects, ultimately fueling sales growth.

Lata TewariLata Tewari
Chief Content & Marketing Officer, Webuters Technologies Pvt Ltd

Capture Leads with Facebook Offers

Social media drives a substantial portion of our lead-generation efforts. Facebook, in particular, has been a game-changer due to its detailed audience targeting and robust ad formats. We’ve had great success with lead-generation ads that include a compelling offer and a simple form to capture user details directly within the platform.

For example, we launched a Facebook campaign offering a free digital marketing audit. We generated a high volume of qualified leads by targeting small business owners with specific interests and behaviors. The simplicity and immediacy of the lead form minimized friction, resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates, allowing us to nurture these leads with tailored content and follow-ups.

Sahil KakkarSahil Kakkar
CEO & Founder, RankWatch

Engage Younger Audiences on TikTok

Social media plays a crucial role in our lead-generation strategy, and TikTok has been particularly effective in capturing and nurturing leads. As a personal injury law firm, we recognized the growing trend of younger consumers using TikTok as a primary search engine and source of information. Here’s how we leveraged TikTok to enhance our lead-generation efforts:

Our TikTok Strategy

1. Educational Content: We create short, engaging videos that address common personal injury questions, provide legal tips, and share client success stories. These videos are designed to be informative and easily digestible, making them ideal for the TikTok platform.

2. Consistent Posting: We maintain a regular posting schedule to ensure we remain top-of-mind for our audience, which is critical for nurturing leads over time.

3. Interactive Engagement: We actively encourage viewers to ask questions in the comments, which we respond to with additional videos. This interaction helps foster a sense of community and trust, essential for nurturing leads.


Our TikTok strategy has yielded impressive results in lead generation:

Increased Visibility: Our TikTok videos have garnered thousands of views, significantly increasing our visibility among younger audiences who might not have found us through traditional search methods.

Higher Engagement: We’ve seen a substantial increase in engagement metrics, such as likes, shares, and comments, which have translated into more inquiries and consultations.

Brand Awareness: Our presence on TikTok has helped us establish our brand as approachable and knowledgeable, appealing to a demographic that values both expertise and relatability.

Lead Conversion: Several new clients have mentioned discovering our firm through TikTok, demonstrating a direct link between our social media efforts and successful lead generation.

By leveraging TikTok as a key component of our lead-generation strategy, we’ve been able to capture and nurture leads effectively. Meeting potential clients where they are and providing valuable content in a format they prefer has been a game-changer for our firm’s growth.

Kaylee AnchulisKaylee Anchulis
Marketing Director, Larson Larimer Schneider

Monitor Competitors with Social Listening

The most successful lead-generation strategy we’ve used at NLP Cloud has been social listening. More specifically, we use the platform to monitor certain keywords when they are mentioned on Reddit, LinkedIn, X, and Hacker News.

Basically, we monitor the names of our competitors (OpenAI, Anthropic, Mistral AI, etc.) and we jump into the discussions when our competitors are mentioned (and if it is relevant, of course). We also monitor use cases related to our business, like “AI Summarization API”, “Chatbot API”, “Image Generation API”, etc., so we can advise users on social media who have questions about these topics and potentially generate new leads.

Julien SalinasJulien Salinas
Founder and CEO, NLP Cloud

Leverage Facebook Posts and Reels

Social media plays a very important role in our lead-generation strategy. Being in the ‘We Buy Houses’ industry, many sellers are skeptical about working with companies like ours, as they may have heard of some questionable practices in the news. The most effective way that we have leveraged social media is by using Facebook to make posts as well as reels. We have been able to generate about four motivated seller leads a month through simply making Facebook posts once a week, and more recently, we started to experiment with reels.

What we’ve discovered is that when we’ve made reels and posted them on Facebook, our reach and views actually doubled in a very short period of time, just by shifting towards video content. By having every one of these posts and reels include a link to our main website, we are able to drive organic traffic from Facebook to our optimized website. The way that we make sure to understand whether the leads are from Facebook or through SEO is that we have a lead form where the lead identifies how they found us. In the case that the prospects do not fill in the form, we also have Facebook retargeting set up, and this ensures that we nurture all potential leads that come to us through Facebook.

Sebastian JaniaSebastian Jania
CEO, Ontario Property Buyers

Increase Inquiries with Sponsored Content

At Stallion Express, social media is a big part of getting new leads. Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn, which have more than 4.8 billion users, make it easy to connect with potential clients. Utilizing LinkedIn’s Sponsored Content is a method that has regularly shown success.

Focusing on certain job titles and industries can help us reach decision-makers who need reliable shipping options. For example, a recent effort aimed at e-commerce managers led to a 35% increase in inquiries in just one month.

Sharing case studies and comments from happy customers on these sites also helps build trust and showcase our successes, which leads to long-term customers. As Director of Business Operations, I’ve seen these tactics work to get people more involved and help the business grow.

Jen SeranJen Seran
Director of Operations, Stallion Express

Generate Leads with X (Formerly Twitter) Campaigns

In my experience, X (formerly Twitter) is currently one of the best social media platforms for lead generation. If you’re looking to generate leads for your business, I recommend visiting to start creating a lead campaign.

For us, this type of campaign allows us to collect contact details from users with just a single click! We need to create a lead-generation card that includes text, an image, and a call to action. Our ad will feature a button that users can click to become a lead. It’s really that simple! Like any campaign, we also have the option to specify our target audience by location, gender, interests, languages, keywords, followers, and more. This means we can precisely identify our ideal target and directly request their contact details on X.

Amir ElaguizyAmir Elaguizy
CEO and Co-Founder, Cratejoy, Inc

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