How to Effectively Leverage Content Marketing to Generate High-Quality Leads

How to Effectively Leverage Content Marketing to Generate High-Quality Leads

In the quest to harness the power of content marketing for generating high-quality leads, we’ve gathered insights from experts including a content marketing specialist and a CEO. From answering questions with targeted content to providing value-first educational content, explore the twelve diverse strategies these professionals recommend, complete with real-world examples.

  • Answer Questions with Targeted Content
  • Create Problem-Solving Customer Content
  • Utilize TikTok for Viral Content Marketing
  • Craft Relevant and Digestible Content
  • Highlight Expertise in Case Studies
  • Leverage Testimonials for B2B Engagement
  • Offer Exclusive Content with Gated Access
  • Engage Audience with Short-Form Videos
  • Complement Customer Journey with Content
  • Amplify Content Across Multiple Channels
  • Secure Media Features for Lead Generation
  • Provide Value-First Educational Content

Answer Questions with Targeted Content

Write content that answers questions people are already asking. For example, at our local SEO and content marketing company, we offer local content marketing where we post two blogs per month for local SMBs relevant to what they offer.

A perfect example is if you search “How long do tires last in Arizona?” you will see one of our clients, LugWrench Heroes, at the top of the first page of Google with the post we created for them.

This helps their site become an authority for relevant keyword searches related to their brand, boosts their SEO, gets them more organic, relevant, and local traffic, and generates more leads.

TJ LoftusTJ Loftus
Local Internet Marketing Consultant, Lifted Websites

Create Problem-Solving Customer Content

My tip for attracting high-quality leads via content is giving what your customers want. It’s very simple—create content that solves your customers’ problems. Write real, product-led, problem-solving content.

Go through the feedback. If you’ve created any community or group with your customers or potential customers, see what they’re mostly asking about, and create content on it. In solving your customers’ problems, you’re also telling your prospects, “Use our product. We have the assistance you need to grow your business.”

For example, last month, we saw many of our customers asking how to send 10,000 cold emails daily. We created a blog post on the same topic. Giving straight what they want—that’s my tip for acing SaaS content marketing and generating high-quality leads.

Swapnil KumarSwapnil Kumar
Growth and Marketing Manager, Smartlead

Utilize TikTok for Viral Content Marketing

I spent 15 minutes making a TikTok, which so far has generated approximately $100,000 for the startup the TikTok is about.

By the end of the video’s life cycle, this 15 minutes of effort will probably have made the startup approximately $700,000.

TikTok is my favorite channel for content marketing, as its internal algorithms will push your content out for you. You don’t need to do the promotion yourself. And if a video performs well, it’s likely to go viral on other platforms.

This video, which I made originally for TikTok, got 1.8 million views on TikTok. Repurposed and reposted on Instagram, it’s so far gotten 3.8 million. And Instagram welcomes reposting of the same viral content.

This video will go viral again and again every three months, making more money for the startup that it’s about. Short-form mobile video is one of the greatest content marketing hacks there is.

Edward SturmEdward Sturm
Fractional CMO,

Craft Relevant and Digestible Content

Making content relevant and digestible is key when creating a piece—no matter the platform. For example, you want your content to speak to an audience and have the desired effect—to make them keep reading and engaging on your website! You’ll also want to ensure the content is of high quality and well-written.

This means taking time to understand how your content will be received by the public. How does it serve them? Is it useful? Will they connect with the message/tone? All of these aspects are important to consider when creating your content.

Here is a well-performing blog post from our website that has received many backlinks with high domain ratings as an example: Coffee Statistics: Consumption, Preferences, & Spending

Lark AllenLark Allen
Content Marketing Specialist, Drive Research

Highlight Expertise in Case Studies

We generate high-quality leads by highlighting our diverse and successful case studies.

A prime example is our work with a leading engine manufacturer. Faced with a complex carve-out, our team offered expert M&A support, navigating through legal, financial, and regulatory hurdles to successfully divest a subsidiary.

This case study not only showcases our specialized skills but also solidifies our reputation as a trusted partner in challenging business scenarios.

Tobias LiebschTobias Liebsch

Leverage Testimonials for B2B Engagement

Customer testimonials and case studies are amazing forms of content marketing. Share stories of how other users have benefited from your product or service. Real-world examples can be very persuasive.

In the lead-up to launching my new B2B SaaS startup, I posted every day, leveraging my personal brand on LinkedIn, and this post drove several user sign-ups. Example: What’s Your Time Worth? Let’s Talk Real Value – LinkedIn

Inge Von Aulock

Inge Von Aulock, CEO, Top Apps

Offer Exclusive Content with Gated Access

Targeted, value-focused content is the way to generate high-quality leads in content marketing. Ideally, you’d have an entire crew of experienced specialists and writers working on copy that would be laser-focused on your specific target audience. When executed correctly, this approach results in content that is much more likely to generate leads for you, as your target audience will be intrigued by default.

In our case, we set up a unique gated landing page that could only be accessed via a strategic white paper. Audiences accessing this landing page would be prompted to input desired and valuable information to access even more content that’s relevant to them, and as they were already engaged, they were much more likely to do so.

The white paper showed off our expertise, and the content hidden behind the landing page offered a solution to the presented issue, setting us up as an authority.

Shaun Gozo-HillShaun Gozo-Hill
Director, 2Game

Engage Audience with Short-Form Videos

The point of all marketing is to create an emotional connection with your audience. That’s why I focus on short-form video for my content agency. By creating weekly short videos that address my clients’ pain points, I’m pulling in leads on a regular basis.

These videos last anywhere from 30 to 90 seconds because people are scrolling through their feeds on LinkedIn or TikTok looking for fast, digestible value. Short-form video is a great way to get amazing reach on social media without any ad spend.

But because it’s video, it also builds trust faster than any other medium, as my viewers can hear me and see me. And because I’m creating them every week, they help me stay in touch with my audience so that over time, many of them eventually book a call with me.

Plus, video allows me to stand out in the sea of content noise because so few people are doing it. And personally, I’ve found that it creates better-qualified leads, as my audience has gotten to know me and trust me far better than if they were reading a blog post. Yes, video can feel challenging, but its power to get organic reach and build trust quickly is unparalleled.

Justin VajkoJustin Vajko
Founder and CEO, Dialog

Complement Customer Journey with Content

A tip I continue to follow to this day is ensuring that your content complements each piece of the customer journey. I achieve this by creating articles that are accessible to everyone. These articles lead to some form of downloadable lead magnet. This lead magnet then leads to a more in-depth form. By this stage, they are far more ready and willing to purchase my service.

The article I made for this is on maximizing results with a content marketing strategy—a simple one-thousand-word blog post. This post then encourages them to download my 20-page content marketing strategy guide.

The strategy guide gives them all the tools to develop their own content marketing strategy. Within that guide are multiple calls to action to have a chat with me about any questions or concerns with their content marketing strategy. This simple three-step approach continues to bring quality leads to me without any additional effort or budget.

Beau BawabBeau Bawab
Director of Marketing, Beau B Content

Amplify Content Across Multiple Channels

One of the most effective ways we leverage content marketing for our agency and our clients is to amplify content across many different channels to ensure we reach our target audience on a platform that is most engaging for them.

For example, we have a downloadable checklist for running a successful inbound marketing campaign. We promote this in various ways and keep it as part of our content rotation since it is evergreen content that will be helpful to our audience at the beginning of their buyer’s journey.

A typical content amplification plan that we find most successful in generating high-quality leads involves sharing on social media through a series of organic posts that are image-based, video-based, and link-based. This allows us to see what type of content resonates with that audience.

From there, we advertise on LinkedIn to connect with target prospects based on that data. In addition, we generate blog content around this topic and link to the downloadable asset, which gives us long-term organic traffic from those qualified prospects. We then use the content as a prospect re-engagement tool by promoting it to our database by email and through marketing automation.

This cohesive strategy allows us to use that one piece of content in a variety of ways to connect with qualified prospects at many stages of their buyer’s journey and move them through their decision-making process.

Elyse Flynn MeyerElyse Flynn Meyer
Owner and Founder, Prism Global Marketing Solutions

Secure Media Features for Lead Generation

If entrepreneurs want high-quality leads, they need to look into getting a media feature at a major news outlet. Media features have been proven to consistently generate new leads, and high-quality leads.

Media outlets like Business Insider or Forbes are constantly looking for the newest breakthrough story. So if you’re an entrepreneur, consider looking at media outlets to become a featured expert or a featured contributor.

Mercedes BarbaMercedes Barba
PR and Media Coach for Small Businesses, Mercedes and Media

Provide Value-First Educational Content

My best advice is to create value-first content. This means crafting content that doesn’t just sell, but educates, informs, or solves a problem for your audience. When your content offers genuine value, it builds trust, and trust turns viewers into leads.

For example, we launched an in-depth guide titled “10 Game-Changing Marketing Strategies for 2024.” It was packed with actionable insights, trends, and tools. We promoted it across our social channels and included a free download option in exchange for email sign-ups.

The result was our email list grew with high-quality leads who saw us as a valuable resource. The golden rule is to give value before you ask for anything. That’s how you win leads and influence people in content marketing.

Zephyr ChanZephyr Chan
Founder and Growth Marketer, Better Marketer

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