Research in Motion: Marketing Leaders’ Strategies for Staying Current

Research in Motion: Marketing Leaders’ Strategies for Staying Current

In the fast-evolving landscape of consumer behavior and market trends, it’s crucial for businesses to refine their market research strategies. We’ve gathered insights from CEOs and founders, among other experts, to share their best practices. From analyzing trending words for relevance to practicing reverse mentoring, explore the fifteen cutting-edge tips to keep your market research sharp and effective.

  • Analyze Trending Words for Relevance
  • Monitor Competitor Strategies
  • Utilize Google Trends for Insights
  • Explore Cross-Industry Trends
  • Regularly Update Datasets
  • Engage in Sustainability Conversations
  • Leverage Real-Time Data Analytics
  • Connect Directly with Consumers
  • Participate in Industry Discussions
  • Adopt a Multi-Method Mindset
  • Hire a Dedicated Research Specialist
  • Use Advertising as an Insight Tool
  • Refine Methods with Mixed Approaches
  • Implement Lean Market Research
  • Practice Reverse Mentoring

Analyze Trending Words for Relevance

It may sound silly, but I look at trending words. It may be trending words in my particular market, but I also look at trending words in general. That tells me what the public is thinking about, and that helps me gear my marketing to stay relevant with what people are thinking.

It’s also an easy way to quickly change your marketing and adapt without spending a lot of extra money. You can change social media posts and keywords as often as you need to without a lot of hassle or cost. An example of how I use this is if I see a lot of trending words in gourmet cooking, I can use that idea in some of my content marketing. It’s a subtle approach, but it works.

Baruch LabunskiBaruch Labunski
CEO, Rank Secure

Monitor Competitor Strategies

Keeping an eye on the competition is a good way to keep market research strategies fresh. As with any industry, continuing to do things the exact same way will quickly ensure a company becomes out of the loop.

Thankfully, keeping an eye on rival businesses in the industry isn’t hard—all it takes is some time set aside to do a little research. Once a competitor is identified, looking into their website strategy, offerings, and social media platforms will quickly tell you how to improve market research services. This can also help generate ideas for your own market research company, too.

On the flip side, your rival may be failing where you’re excelling—this is also valuable information, as it tells you that you have a unique strategy (a.k.a., an edge on rivals)!

Lark AllenLark Allen
Content Marketing Specialist, Drive Research

Utilize Google Trends for Insights

I’ll keep it short: Google Trends!

It is an invaluable tool for adapting market research strategies. It offers real-time insights into consumer search behaviors, highlighting emerging trends before they become more mainstream. By analyzing these patterns, I can anticipate shifts in consumer preferences, allowing me to advise my clients on how to pivot their marketing strategies proactively.

This approach is particularly effective because it is grounded in real-time data, providing a direct line of sight into the interests and concerns of consumers worldwide. It enables us to move quickly, adapting marketing messages, campaigns, and strategies to meet the market where it is headed, not just where it has been.

Claire JarrettClaire Jarrett
Founder, Jarrett Digital Ltd.

Explore Cross-Industry Trends

We study trends outside of our industry to keep abreast of overall changes in culture and society. By studying trends in other industries, you can locate common threads that span across into your own industry. From a technological standpoint, looking backward rarely helps. Our target demographic is 45- to 60-year-old entrepreneurs. However, for research, we often talk to their children.

For example: Ask a 20-something which car they prefer, and you may get a blank stare, as they have no intention of owning a car and prefer Uber.

Doug Crowe
Founder, Author Your Brand

Regularly Update Datasets

Update your available datasets regularly. Sounds like a big “duh” moment, but you’d be surprised how often I see market research insights derived from datasets that are at least a year or two out of date. This might not be a deal-breaker in all industries, though I’d say anything more than five years old is essentially worthless for deriving relevant insights.

However, for those dealing with technology, fast-moving consumer goods, and anything that needs to stay aware of public opinion, it is absolutely key to have data as up-to-date as possible.

Kate KandeferKate Kandefer
CEO, SEOwind

Engage in Sustainability Conversations

At Sustridge, we keep things simple and effective. We use trusted research methods and the latest technology to stay informed about the sustainability sector. Our team is always engaged in real-time conversations and data analysis, and we actively participate in online forums and events about sustainability. This keeps us knowledgeable about the latest trends and industry changes.

We make it a habit to fine-tune our research tools, ensuring they’re up-to-date. Think of it as a regular tune-up to keep our methods running smoothly. This practice is key to providing our clients with current and actionable sustainability insights.

Collaboration is also at the heart of what we do. Through partnerships across various industries and our “Sustainable Nation Podcast,” where I meet with global sustainability officers, we broaden our understanding and share diverse perspectives. This enriches our research and helps our clients stay ahead in the sustainability journey.

Josh PriggeJosh Prigge
Company Owner, Sustridge

Leverage Real-Time Data Analytics

We prioritize real-time data analytics and social listening. This method enables us to swiftly identify shifts in consumer interests and adjust our strategies accordingly. By continuously monitoring and analyzing online conversations and data trends, we gain immediate insights that inform our marketing decisions.

This proactive approach ensures our market research remains current, helping us to effectively anticipate and meet consumer demands.

Marco Genaro PalmaMarco Genaro Palma
Content Marketing Manager, PRLab

Connect Directly with Consumers

I’ve learned that staying ahead of changing consumer preferences and market trends is crucial. One tip I follow to keep my research methods relevant and up-to-date is to continuously engage with consumers.

I make sure to regularly interact with customers through surveys, interviews, and social media channels to understand their evolving needs and preferences. By keeping a finger on the pulse of consumer sentiment, I can adapt my research approach accordingly.

Additionally, I stay updated on industry news, competitor strategies, and emerging technologies. This helps me anticipate shifts in the market landscape and adjust my research methodologies proactively.

Staying connected with consumers and staying informed about industry trends are key practices that keep my market research approach agile and effective in meeting the demands of today’s dynamic marketplace.

Saurabh MallSaurabh Mall
Digital Marketing Specialist

Participate in Industry Discussions

An activity that has helped me keep my nose in front is active participation in current industry discussions and thought leadership. I always attend webinars, join industry forums, and read recent research papers and reports.

This constant learning allows me not only to comprehend the current consumer preferences and market tendencies but also to predict future changes. It is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle; the more pieces you have, the clearer the picture becomes. These insights have to be incorporated into my market research so that my approach is both relevant and future-oriented.

Furthermore, I constantly try out new research approaches and instruments to improve my data gathering and processing. This proactive approach ensures that my strategies remain dynamic and responsive, able to tackle the shifting nature of the market environment.

Anup KayasthaAnup Kayastha
Founder, Serpnest

Adopt a Multi-Method Mindset

As an analytics consultant, I learned to develop a “multi-method mindset” when analyzing market research data. I don’t rely solely on traditional surveys or focus groups. I weave in real-time social media listening, analyze customer journey data, and even experiment with emerging tools like sentiment analysis.

This diverse approach paints a richer picture of evolving preferences and helps me anticipate shifts before competitors do. The more angles you explore, the better equipped you’ll be to navigate the ever-changing market landscape.

Michael SenaMichael Sena
CEO & Lead Analytics Consultant, Senacea Ltd.

Hire a Dedicated Research Specialist

The best tip I have for this is to actually have a research specialist on the team. Very often, I see market research fall to the marketing department, which is fine, as typically a good marketing team can include that into their duties with little fuss.

However, if you really want to stay ahead of the curve and ride the latest trends as soon as they start becoming relevant, you need an actual market research or insights specialist. They’re not going to be creating your campaigns or writing your copy, but in my experience, they are essential for any business in a quickly developing industry like my own.

You need to KNOW that you’re asking the right questions, making the right pitches, and going after the right targets because if you’re not, you will suddenly find yourself irrelevant.

Dragos BadeaDragos Badea
CEO, Yarooms

Use Advertising as an Insight Tool

Advertising is a real-time focus group that gives businesses insights into the needs of their customers. A business is able to understand the products or services it should offer, pricing and discounts, creative messaging, and even which audiences are most important to the business.

To pinpoint these insights, businesses can read their advertising campaign data, develop new monthly ad creatives, and adopt creative testing frameworks.

Robert BrillRobert Brill
CEO, Brill Media

Refine Methods with Mixed Approaches

To stay ahead of changing consumer preferences and market trends, we continuously refine our market research approach by leveraging a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. Social media monitoring helps capture evolving sentiments and behaviors. Additionally, staying connected with industry influencers, attending relevant conferences, and monitoring competitor strategies provides valuable insights.

A key practice we follow is to regularly reassess and update our research methodologies to incorporate emerging technologies and data analysis tools, ensuring relevance and accuracy in understanding consumer dynamics and market shifts.

Shaun Gozo-HillShaun Gozo-Hill
Director, 2Game

Implement Lean Market Research

One tip or practice that I follow to keep my market research methods relevant and up-to-date is to use a lean approach. This means conducting quick and effective market research with minimal resources and time, while still getting valuable insights and feedback from your target audience.

To stay ahead, it’s crucial to align market research with practical business strategies. I delve into understanding profit margins, cash flow, and return on investment. Simultaneously, I meticulously plan inventory, pricing, and marketing strategies, ensuring a holistic perspective. This proactive approach extends to forecasting revenue, expenses, and growth opportunities, allowing for agile decision-making. Moreover, assessing financing and investment options plays a pivotal role in staying resilient amidst market fluctuations.

This multifaceted approach, combining lean market research with strategic business acumen, enables me to adapt swiftly to evolving market dynamics while making informed decisions that resonate with the ever-changing needs of consumers and market trends.

Phil McparlanePhil Mcparlane
Founder & CEO, 4DayWeekJobs

Practice Reverse Mentoring

To adapt our market research approach and remain ahead of changing consumer preferences and market trends, we employ “reverse mentoring.” This process involves pairing experienced market researchers with younger, tech-savvy employees or interns who have a keen understanding of the latest social media platforms, emerging technologies, and digital marketing tools.

By intentionally seeking insights from these younger individuals who are more in touch with the evolving preferences of consumers and aware of emerging trends, we ensure that our research methods stay relevant and up-to-date. Through reverse mentoring, we gain valuable perspectives on how to leverage new channels for data collection and analysis, enabling us to continually refine our strategies based on real-time information rather than relying solely on traditional approaches. This innovative approach allows us to effectively meet the ever-changing demands of today’s dynamic marketplace.

Carly HillCarly Hill
Operations Manager, Virtual Holiday Party

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