- April 13, 2021
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What is the best productivity tip you have to offer a marketing professional?
Being productive right now can be difficult, so to help you find new ways to be productive we asked business leaders and marketing experts this question for their best tips. From agile methodology to delegating tasks, there are several productivity tips that can help you stay productive and dialed in.
Here are ten productivity tips for marketing professionals:
- Internet Faxing
- Respond to Emails Immediately
- Agile Methodology
- Set Boundaries To Do Strategy Work
- Focus On What Is Working Best
- Use Daily Habits To Improve Marketing Consistency
- Block Everything Out In Your Schedule
- Be Comfortable With Delegating Tasks
- Don’t Eat The Whole Pie
- Become Best Friends With Your Calendar
Internet Faxing
Internet faxing can play an important role in communication amongst marketing teams. If a company operates in a remote environment or employs international teams, sending secure communication to foster internal collaboration is a must. By having a secure way to send and receive documents, marketing professionals can increase productivity around confidential materials.
Adam Korbl, iFax
Respond to Emails Immediately
I work in client services at a digital marketing agency, ensuring that each client of my clients is happy and their deliverables are being met. A trick that has saved me time in my day-to-day interactions is always responding to an email as soon as I open it. I used to waste so much time opening a client email, reading it, typing a response, deleting my response, and ultimately marking the email as “unread” and coming back to it later. Sometimes I would do this multiple times if I wasn’t ready and determined to send out a response. By replying to client emails immediately after I open them, it saves me so much time and keeps me efficient. My clients are happy because they get timely responses and know I get to their emails as soon as possible.
Kayla Centeno, Markitors
Agile Methodology
Consider an Agile methodology. With Agile, marketing professionals can enjoy benefits like more control, better productivity, and continuous improvement when it comes to their work. Many marketing agencies are shifting their focus to Agile so that teams can improve project predictability in uncertain conditions and environments.
Debra Hildebrand, Hildebrand Solutions, LLC
Set Boundaries To Do Strategy Work
Strategy work (for marketing, branding, selling, product development, etc.) takes deep concentration. There is significant research that states it typically takes 20-30 minutes to recover from each distraction. Each ding or ring on your phone causes you to lose concentration. Switching your brain, from strategy work to a sales call, to a financial question, back to strategy requires acclimation time. Too often, I hear entrepreneurs end their day saying “I know I worked all day and yet I’m not quite sure what I did.” Create boundaries to prioritize your day and consistently point the business needle towards growth goals.
Mark Jamnik, Enjoy Life Daily
Focus On What Is Working Best
My biggest piece of advice for marketing professionals is to put your time and focus into the areas that are yielding the best results. When you look over the various media outlets being used for marketing which ones are performing the best? Those will be your main focus as they are performing the best for whatever your marketing goals are. Expand on the channels that are yielding the best results as those will be the best bang for your buck.
Mark Smith, University of Advancing Technology
Use Daily Habits To Improve Marketing Consistency
In marketing, developing good habits are one of the best ways to boost your productivity. For example, I developed a habit of writing for 15 minutes every weekday. I generally use that writing time to create a blog post to drive traffic to my business and aim to complete that habit before 9 am. You could use the same daily habit to develop other areas of expertise in marketing like looking for SEO ideas, writing headlines, and so forth.
Bruce Harpham, Technology Marketing Consultant
Block Everything Out In Your Schedule
As a creative entrepreneur that juggles 4-5 clients at any given time, I have the attention span of a dead moth! For so long I struggled to get any deep work done because I spent pretty much all day bouncing from email and phone calls to meetings and putting out fires. By the time I would sit down to work on a project my mind was in a thousand different places. Then I forced myself to start blocking out all my tasks on my calendar. No, literally everything– down to breaks and walks. During those blocks, especially deep work blocks, I would set my email and phone to ‘Do Not Disturb’. In the first day alone, I got more done than the entire previous week combined. Not only did this improve my productivity but it also made it so much easier to track where my time was being spent. Best of all, I feel so much better at the end of my workdays.
Rani Sweis, AtticSalt
Be Comfortable With Delegating Tasks
Any marketing professional in a management or ownership role must learn to delegate. When I started Titoma, I had a very hard time giving even the smallest task to anyone else. I wouldn’t even let someone make my coffee. It is important for every owner and manager to learn to have confidence in the abilities of their team by doing a great job choosing and training them. This allows you to focus your time on the big decisions that lead to growth and lets your team know that you are confident in their abilities.
Keesjan Engelen, Titoma
Don’t Eat The Whole Pie
In marketing, as in any profession, certain tasks can be daunting. The key is to not try to eat the entire pie. In other words, it’s always helpful to cut the pie into smaller pieces. Break down a bigger, seemingly overwhelming task into smaller tasks. Make a checklist with specific, smaller things to do, that will contribute to the completion of the bigger task. This tactic sounds obvious and simple, yet it’s often overlooked. You won’t believe how much more motivated you will feel once you start crossing off those to-do items!
Natalya Bucuy, LiveHelpNow
Become Best Friends With Your Calendar
While a lot of marketing professionals could be considered proficient in organization, I am not one of those people. I used to show up late for my meetings, or completely forget about a project that was due because of my organization- or lack thereof. After speaking with my boss, listening to podcasts, and looking online to find the ultimate solution to organization, I found that the simple answer is to keep your calendar organized. This might sound silly as everyone has a calendar, but creating specific calendars for each of your projects, syncing them to your phone, and creating alerts have been life-changing for me. Whether it’s Google Calendar, Outlook, a calendar app, or a daily planner, make sure you have everything in front of your face and focus on the three most important to-dos of the day and go from there. It saves you a lot less stress and time in the long run.
Mackenzie Miller, Global Payments Integrated
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