- August 19, 2020
- Posted by: Featured
- Category: Careers

A variety of signs symbolize your position as a professional. These signs can range between a college degree to a job title to a certification. The value of these symbols ranges depending on who you are asking or what industry you’re in. How do you know if gaining certification is worth your time?
In the marketing world, the value of certification varies. To help determine their importance, we’ve asked 10 hiring managers to share their thoughts on the value of a marketing certification.
Anything to Differentiate Yourself
Anything you can add to your resume that differentiates you from other candidates matters! Focus on the top skills required for the job that you are applying for. If one of the requirements listed is “knowledge and understanding of local SEO marketing” then the wise thing to do before applying for the job is to obtain a certification regarding local SEO in order to prove that you understand and have knowledge surrounding that topic. This shows initiative and will allow you to be more prepared going into an interview or the position itself!
Jon Schneider, Recruiterie
A Certification Shows You’re Serious
Marketing certifications are a way to solidify and elevate your status as a professional candidate. If you are headed into an interview with a marketing certification on top of other relevant experience and education, it shows that you are serious about what you do as a marketing professional. The certification symbolizes that you are a go-getter and go above and beyond the normal requirements. It will help you stand out from the rest of the pool of candidates.
Vanessa Molica, The Lash Professional
Only For The Right Reasons
A friend of mine attended Harvard Business School. He told me that there were two types of people at the school: those who were there to learn, and those who were there to put Harvard Business School on their resume. Certifications are no different. If the sole purpose of getting a certification is to look good, chances are that the certification won’t impress an employer. But, if the certification was achieved to genuinely learn and satisfy innate curiosity, then the certification helps an employer understand what motivates you as a candidate. There’s no downside to getting certified in something. Just make sure it is for the right reasons.
Brett Farmiloe, Markitors
They’re Not as Important as a Portfolio
There is no argument that certifications help build credibility and ultimately give you more tools in your toolbox. I would say that in the field of marketing, certifications don’t set you apart as much as having a personal brand and a portfolio of work. If you can, do both. I would be more impressed by a non-certified candidate who had a well-crafted resume and LinkedIn profile that was engaging and active, than a certified candidate with a flat resume and a standard LinkedIn account. Marketing, after all, is the business of promoting and selling a product. And when it comes to getting a job – you are that product. The interview has already begun.
Sydney Miller, Tech Talent South
It’s a Bonus
When I see a certification listed that isn’t necessarily required by the job posting, I see it as a bonus. When someone takes the time to get a certification, it demonstrates that they’re serious about improving their skills and continuing to learn. It also shows they’re willing to go beyond the minimum requirements, which is a great trait to find in candidates.
John Yardley, Threads
It Increases Your Chances
Marketing is all about promoting and measuring businesses, and most of the time, the recruiters complain that they hardly get good marketers who can perfectly do the marketing. Digital marketing is evolving every week, and marketers usually don’t bother to understand the need to learn every new marketing technique. There are many certifications like GoogleAds Search, Customer Value Optimization, Hootsuite social media marketing, graphic designing, etc. that the recruiters consider while evaluating the CVs of candidates. The person who has more certifications has more chances to get hired and even get high pay.
Gintaras Steponkus, Solid Guides
They Help Fill a Lack of Experience
As CEO I like to be in charge of new recruit because I want to make sure they are a good fit for my company. While resumes have a mix of information, knowledge and skills come under two categories for me. I think that certifications matter when you do not have a lot of experience. When you have an experience that is first hand in the industry, your knowledge comes from that and not from something you learned in a class. Make sure to talk about those experiences, and if you have certificates, think about how you have applied what you have learned into something at your time in a job. The certification to me does not mean as much as experience, as that is what is going to solve problems ultimately.
Ethan Taub, Loanry
It Can Be a Deciding Factor
Marketing certifications do make a difference when evaluating candidates for an open position. When I see a recent certification listed on a resume, it means that the individual has a growth mindset and takes initiative to expand their knowledge and skillset in the field of Marketing, which is a trait I look for in job applicants.
Morgan Reddy, Innovative Solutions
Shows an Eagerness to Learn
In fast-changing fields like Digital Marketing, a bachelor’s degree does not necessarily indicate a good candidate. When hiring, I’m looking for things you can’t teach, like an eagerness to continue learning. A candidate with multiple certifications and courses on their resume shows me that they are a forever-student, and I can bet on them to continue improving over the course of their employment. I’m much more willing to take a chance on this person.
However, online courses and certifications are a dime a dozen, and the quality of the material is difficult to discern from a resume line. So I do take it with a grain of salt— but I will often prioritize the willingness to continue learning as a personality trait that I prefer.
Piper Lee Steers, AptAmigo
Most Beneficial for Entry-Level
I actually do think it provides a benefit particularly with applicants who are still early in their career. It shows me they are taking initiative and getting some exposure to some of the platforms and tools we might use in the job. If we do bring them on, it will quicken the rate at which we can train and onboard them. In the case of more experienced professionals, having certifications in advanced programs, tools, etc. can add a lot of value to the company especially if no one presently on the team has them. In short, I think listing certifications is a great idea as long as it’s relevant.
Katie Fellenz, Trust & Will