21 High-Impact Marketing Channels

21 High-Impact Marketing Channels

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, we’ve gathered insights from CEOs, marketing experts, and various industry leaders to uncover the most effective channels driving their business success. From leveraging product placement to increasing leads with local SEO, explore the diverse and powerful strategies behind these twenty-one marketing triumphs.

  • Leverage Product Placement Effectively
  • Harness YouTube’s Educational Potential
  • Utilize In-Depth Product Explainer Videos
  • Build Beneficial Content Partnerships
  • Secure Digital PR Coverage
  • Create Engaging Podcast Content
  • Optimize Google Ads Campaigns
  • Implement an Affiliate Marketing Strategy
  • Capitalize on Bing’s Conversion Rates
  • Execute Targeted LinkedIn Outreach
  • Partner with E-Commerce Influencers
  • Drive Sales with SMS Marketing
  • Refine Facebook Ads Targeting
  • Segment and Personalize Email Campaigns
  • Maximize TikTok Live Selling Impact
  • Organize Community-Driven Gaming Events
  • Cultivate Word-of-Mouth Referrals
  • Expand Influence with LinkedIn Content
  • Boost University Enrollment with SEO
  • Drive Bookings with Instagram Campaigns
  • Increase Leads with Local SEO

Leverage Product Placement Effectively

One marketing channel that has consistently delivered impressive results for our business is product placement. Though it’s not a new strategy, we’ve found it to be one of the most underrated and effective methods for driving substantial outcomes.

Our approach centers on strategically integrating our clients’ products into various media formats, including TV shows, movies, and online content. The key to our success has been ensuring that these products are seamlessly woven into the storyline, making them a natural part of the viewer’s experience rather than a disruptive ad. This tactic allows us to forge a stronger emotional connection with consumers, subtly yet powerfully reinforcing brand presence.

By embedding our clients’ products into content that audiences are already deeply engaged with, we effectively sidestep the issue of ad avoidance—a common hurdle in traditional advertising. The brand becomes an integral part of the narrative, creating a uniquely receptive environment for building brand equity. This strategy has also provided our clients with expanded national and global visibility, significantly increasing their reach.

One particularly successful example involved featuring our client’s product in a scene alongside a celebrity. This created what we call “Star Power,” where the association with a well-known figure heightened the product’s appeal and introduced an aspirational element for consumers. The result was a substantial boost in brand recognition and a marked increase in sales.

Anna StellaAnna Stella
Marketing Expert, BBSA

Harness YouTube’s Educational Potential

One video marketing channel that has consistently delivered outstanding results for our business is YouTube. We took an educational yet entertaining approach by creating a series of “how-to” videos that not only showcased our expertise but also provided real value to our audience.

By focusing on topics our target audience was searching for, we were able to build a loyal following. This strategy led to a significant increase in organic traffic, with a 40% boost in website visits directly attributed to our YouTube channel. Moreover, it helped establish us as thought leaders in our industry, which in turn has driven a steady stream of inbound leads.

Mike VannelliMike Vannelli
Creative Director, Envy Creative

Utilize In-Depth Product Explainer Videos

Video marketing has been a highly effective channel for us, especially through detailed product explainer videos for multifamily property owners and managers. These 15-20 minute videos offered in-depth demonstrations of our property management tools, like tenant-tracking systems, maintenance-request automation, and financial reporting dashboards. We showed how these tools streamline daily operations, improve efficiency, and cut costs for property managers.

After sharing the videos, we followed up with personalized emails or calls to property managers and owners who requested more information or had follow-up questions. These follow-ups included data-driven insights like case studies showing time savings, better tenant satisfaction, and lower costs experienced by other property managers using our tools. We also gave customized walkthroughs based on the size and specific needs of their property portfolios.

Armen DavtyanArmen Davtyan
Head of SEO, Market Apartments

Build Beneficial Content Partnerships

I’ve used content partnerships across FreeUp, EcomBalance, and Outsource School. This marketing channel involves building relationships with non-competing businesses in the same industry to leverage each other’s audiences.

At FreeUp, we partnered with over 200 companies in the e-commerce space. The strategy was simple: collaborate on guest blog posts, co-host webinars, exchange backlinks, and feature each other in newsletters. These partnerships not only brought high-quality traffic but also boosted SEO. Guest posts on partner blogs, in particular, helped us reach new audiences while strengthening our backlink profile.

At EcomBalance, we implemented a “Partner Spotlight” series, where we interviewed partners and shared their insights on our blog. This deepened our relationships and drove organic traffic, thanks to the new content and social sharing from our partners.

The outcomes were significant. FreeUp scaled to $12 million in annual recurring revenue within four years, with content partnerships playing a major role. Similarly, EcomBalance saw consistent growth in traffic and new customer sign-ups.

The key is creating genuine collaborations that add value to both sides. By aligning with complementary businesses, we were able to extend our reach, generate new leads, and build long-term growth without relying heavily on paid advertising.

Connor GillivanConnor Gillivan
Entrepreneur, Owner & CMO, AccountsBalance

Secure Digital PR Coverage

I have found digital PR to be a marketing channel that consistently generates impressive results for our business. By crafting compelling stories and engaging content, we have effectively secured coverage in key financial publications and popular trading forums. This not only enhanced our brand visibility but also positioned us as thought leaders in the forex industry. The approach involved identifying trending topics relevant to our audience and collaborating with influencers to amplify our reach.

Subsequently, we observed a 30% increase in website traffic and a significant uptick in lead generation directly linked to these campaigns. Continued engagement with these media outlets has cultivated a loyal following and reinforced our reputation in the market.

Ace ZhuoAce Zhuo
Business Development Director (Sales and Marketing), Tech & Finance Expert, TradingFXVPS

Create Engaging Podcast Content

The marketing channel that has consistently delivered exceptional results for my business is the podcast medium. By producing engaging and insightful content tailored to our audience’s interests, we have fostered a loyal following, translating directly into increased brand awareness and customer engagement. This approach not only humanizes our brand but also establishes us as thought leaders in our field.

While the initial setup required a significant time investment, the consistent reach and intimate connection it provides with listeners have proven invaluable. Podcasts offer a platform to dive deeper into relevant topics, enabling a more profound dialogue with our audience and reinforcing our commitment to their success.

Valentin RaduValentin Radu
CEO & Founder, Blogger, Speaker, Podcaster, Omniconvert

Optimize Google Ads Campaigns

It would be our digital advertising strategy, particularly through Google Ads. We’ve seen significant success with targeted PPC campaigns, which effectively reach potential customers who are actively searching for ice-equipment rental solutions.

First, we focus on keyword research to identify high-intent search terms related to our services. We create highly targeted ad groups and write compelling ad copy that directly addresses the needs and pain points of our audience. Then, we use geo-targeting to ensure our ads reach customers in our service areas, making the campaigns more relevant and efficient.

By continuously optimizing our campaigns—adjusting bids, refining keywords, and analyzing performance metrics—we’ve been able to improve our click-through rates and conversion rates significantly. This approach has not only increased our visibility and generated high-quality leads but also resulted in a noticeable boost in revenue.

Taking advantage of Google Ads has proven to be a highly effective channel for driving growth and achieving our marketing goals, allowing us to connect with customers who are most in need of our ice-equipment rental services.

Ryan KellyRyan Kelly
Chief Marketing Officer, Easy Ice

Implement an Affiliate Marketing Strategy

In my experience, affiliate marketing has been a real winner for us. Affiliate marketing is the simplest one. Let’s say someone recommends our products; in return, they will get a percentage from the sales that happen because of their promotion. A lot of times, I’ve seen Instagrammers or YouTubers promoting products through the use of affiliate marketing.

Rather than giving them a flat fee for endorsing our products, on many occasions, we will give them an affiliate marketing link, so they will earn a percentage for their connections that eventually end up shopping for our products from their link.

It’s a pretty good deal for small businesses like us who might be holding on to our pennies because we can give them a special link or discount code that they can share with their followers. The best part is that we can track those sales right back to them, and the discount code incentivizes them to really push our products because they get a kickback every time one of their followers clicks on their code to purchase a product.

All in all, it has been a pretty good arrangement. The sales through affiliates have been pretty steady; they are motivated and happy to keep promoting because they are getting readily paid for doing so, and we’ve reached audiences we likely wouldn’t have otherwise.

Danilo MirandaDanilo Miranda
Managing Director, Presenteverso

Capitalize on Bing’s Conversion Rates

Never thought I’d say it, but Bing has produced a massively higher conversion rate for me compared to Google. Albeit, there is significantly lower volume of traffic, but that traffic converted much higher (at least triple) for my e-commerce brands. That was simply from organic searches coming in through Bing, which isn’t as stringent as Google for search optimization. Therefore, not only was it easier to rank in Bing, the traffic was much more valuable on an RPU (revenue per user) basis.

Given that you’re most likely trying to optimize for Google, you by default are optimizing for Bing as well (with minor exceptions). I would not recommend focusing only on Bing, of course, but it should not be ignored either. It’s a great supplement to your existing traffic channels and produces higher-converting visitors to your brand.

Mike BonadioMike Bonadio
Owner, Mike Bonadio

Execute Targeted LinkedIn Outreach

One marketing channel that has consistently generated impressive results for my business is organic LinkedIn outreach. This approach allows for targeted, personalized engagement with potential clients, which has proven to be highly effective.

To begin, I identified my ideal client profile by analyzing a subset of my previous high-yield clients. By understanding their industries, job roles, and locations, I was able to craft a precise search on LinkedIn, narrowing down my outreach to individuals and companies that closely match this ideal client profile.

Once I had my target list, I developed a three-step messaging strategy to initiate and nurture connections:

  1. Connection Request Message: The first template is a brief and personalized message sent with a connection request. This message introduces myself and my business in a way that resonates with the recipient’s role and industry.
  1. First Follow-Up Message: After the connection is accepted, I send a follow-up message to assess their general interest in the services I offer. This message is designed to be conversational and non-intrusive, focusing on understanding their needs rather than making a hard sell.
  1. Capabilities Deck and Pricing Sheet: For those who express interest, I share a third message containing a copy of my capabilities deck and pricing sheet. This document outlines my services in detail, providing them with all the necessary information to make an informed decision.

The primary goal of this approach is twofold: to raise brand awareness and to establish a means of contact when the prospect is ready to engage. By providing value upfront and maintaining a professional but approachable tone, I’ve been able to build relationships that often lead to setting up meetings with potential clients who are genuinely interested in what I have to offer.

The results have been substantial. This method has not only increased brand visibility but has also led to a significant number of meetings with qualified prospects, many of which have turned into long-term clients. The key to success has been consistency in outreach and personalization, ensuring that each message feels relevant and tailored to the recipient’s needs.

Grant MorningstarGrant Morningstar
CEO, Elevate Events

Partner with E-Commerce Influencers

Our most successful marketing channel has been partnering with influencers in the e-commerce space. We identified key thought leaders and provided them with access to our gamification platform, allowing them to experience firsthand how it could transform their online stores. These influencers then shared their success stories with their followers, creating a ripple effect of interest in our product.

The results were incredible—we saw a 300% increase in demo requests and a 150% boost in conversions within just three months. This approach not only generated buzz around our brand but also helped us build credibility and trust within the e-commerce community. The best part is that it allowed us to showcase the real-world impact of our AI-driven gamification solutions, which really resonated with our target audience.

John ChengJohn Cheng
CEO, PlayAbly.AI

Drive Sales with SMS Marketing

For my small business, SMS marketing has really knocked it out of the park, delivering the highest ROI by far. Text-message marketing is great for retargeting as well. Like everyone else, we had been doing it only the traditional way—asking visitors to enter their name and email in a box in hopes of follow-up. Then, we started asking for phone numbers as well. Because of that, we can now follow up via text as well as email.

Think of SMS marketing as the logical follow-up to email. Many email platforms now offer an SMS marketing facility, and it’s easy to integrate as a result. The results? Outstanding. Our customer engagement has vastly improved, our promotional messages are opened at a faster rate than with email, and the direct nature of texts results in speedier sales. It’s fantastic for us and has really helped with the level of personal contact we can maintain with our customers.

Kyle KozlowskiKyle Kozlowski
Co-Founder, Eco Temp HVAC

Refine Facebook Ads Targeting

If I had to choose one marketing channel that has delivered impressive results time and time again, it would be Facebook Ads. We went into Facebook advertising with a very targeted approach, knowing exactly who our ideal customers are and what they’re looking for. Instead of casting a wide net, we focused on creating highly specific ad campaigns—ads tailored for soon-to-be brides, grooms, and even bridesmaids looking for unique gifts.

We spent a lot of time refining our audience targeting based on age, interests, and even recent life events like engagements. The key was to test different ad creatives, messages, and offers continuously.

The outcome was pretty remarkable. We saw a consistent increase in traffic to our site and, more importantly, a high conversion rate. Our cost per acquisition dropped by nearly 40% within the first few months, which told us we were hitting the right audience with the right message. Facebook Ads now contribute to about 25% of our total sales, and it’s become a vital part of our marketing mix. It just goes to show that a well-targeted, data-driven approach can make all the difference.

Chris BajdaChris Bajda
E-Commerce Entrepreneur & Managing Partner, Groomsday

Segment and Personalize Email Campaigns

One marketing channel that has consistently generated impressive results for us is email marketing. Given that our services, particularly revenue cycle management (RCM) and healthcare solutions, cater to a highly targeted B2B audience, email has been an ideal way to engage decision-makers directly.

Our approach has been to focus on delivering highly relevant, value-driven content tailored to the specific needs of our audience segments. We segmented our email lists by factors such as organization size, healthcare specialty, and past interactions with our brand. Each segment received content specifically designed to address their unique challenges, such as improving cash flow or streamlining billing processes. We also used personalization in subject lines and messaging to make the emails feel more individualized and relevant.

To further enhance our efforts, we incorporated automated drip campaigns triggered by user actions, such as downloading a whitepaper or signing up for a webinar. These automated workflows allowed us to nurture leads consistently without overwhelming them, providing useful content at each stage of the buyer’s journey.

The outcomes of this email-focused approach have been impressive. We saw increased engagement rates, with higher open and click-through rates compared to other channels. Most importantly, this approach led to a marked increase in lead conversions. Clients who engaged with our email content were more likely to move down the funnel and inquire about our services, leading to a higher return on investment compared to other channels.

Email marketing has allowed us to build and maintain meaningful relationships with our clients while providing them with value, resulting in both long-term retention and new business growth.

Sandra StoughtonSandra Stoughton
Director, Marketing Operations, TruBridge

Maximize TikTok Live Selling Impact

One marketing channel that has consistently generated impressive results for our business is TikTok Live Selling, especially for our pharma and skincare clients.

Our approach to TikTok Live Selling involves a strategic mix of influencer partnerships, engaging live content, and data-driven optimizations. We begin by collaborating with influencers who have a strong and authentic connection with our target audience. These influencers are chosen based on their alignment with the brand’s values and their ability to effectively communicate product benefits in an engaging way.

During the live sessions, we focus on creating a dynamic and interactive experience that encourages viewer participation. This includes live demonstrations of the products, real-time Q&A sessions, and exclusive discounts for viewers. The goal is to create an engaging environment where potential customers can learn about the products in a fun and informative way.

Throughout the campaign, we analyze performance metrics such as viewer engagement, conversion rates, and average order value. By working closely with representatives from ByteDance, we continually refine our strategy, testing different formats and engagement tactics to optimize results.

Andie ZalameaAndie Zalamea
Head of CRM, Get Hooked 360

Organize Community-Driven Gaming Events

Community-driven events have been our golden ticket in the UGC gaming world. We’ve organized monthly building competitions in Minecraft, offering exclusive in-game rewards that players can’t resist. This approach has not only boosted engagement by 300% but also increased our website traffic by 150% month-over-month. It’s been amazing to see how these events bring players together and create a buzz around our brand—the community literally does the marketing for us!

Jas BolaJas Bola
Product Marketing, Minecraft Menu

Cultivate Word-of-Mouth Referrals

For my business, word-of-mouth referrals from satisfied customers have consistently generated the most impressive results. By focusing on high-quality work and providing an exceptional customer experience, we’ve built a loyal base of customers who frequently refer us to their friends and neighbors in need of roofing services.

For example, last year we repaired a slate roof for a historical society building. The project manager was so pleased with our work that she recommended us to the facilities managers of four other buildings they operate. Those referrals resulted in over $200,000 of new business for us in a single month.

Of course, to maximize the impact of word-of-mouth marketing, we heavily emphasize customer service. We take the time to understand each customer’s unique needs and priorities for their roofing project. We provide frequent updates, meet agreed-upon deadlines, and ensure any follow-up service is handled promptly. Our dedication to customer satisfaction really fuels the word-of-mouth that has been so vital for our success.

Jimmy HertilienJimmy Hertilien
Senior Project Manager, Herts Roofing & Construction

Expand Influence with LinkedIn Content

One marketing channel that has consistently generated impressive results for our business is LinkedIn. Our approach has focused on maintaining a regular posting schedule while focusing on content that directly addresses our customers’ interests, needs, and questions. We share a mix of industry insights, thought-leadership articles, and practical tips that have resonated with our audience.

This marketing strategy has had a remarkable impact. Over the span of just a few months, we’ve doubled our follower count, which has significantly expanded our reach and influence. Not only on LinkedIn, but this expansion of engagement has also positively impacted our website and Facebook numbers. The increased visibility has driven higher engagement rates and sparked more conversations about our business within the industry. This has helped us build stronger connections with current customers, attract new prospects, and position ourselves as a key player and thought leader in our field.

Overall, LinkedIn has become a vital channel for us, contributing to enhanced brand recognition and a solid reputation for expertise in our industry.

Mimi OliverMimi Oliver
Marketing Specialist

Boost University Enrollment with SEO

Our agency operates across all digital channels, managing paid, organic, social, and email campaigns. Over the last decade, organic search (SEO) has delivered the best ROI and most consistent results for our agency and university clients. Our approach centers on creating comprehensive content that addresses prospective students’ specific questions and concerns.

For one university, we developed in-depth program guides and student life articles targeting long-tail keywords related to their degree program areas. Over the next six months, this strategy led to a 65% increase in organic traffic to program pages and a 30% rise in online application submissions attributed to organic search.

The key to our success has been understanding user intent and creating content that actually answers prospective students’ questions. By focusing on quality, relevance, and user experience, we’ve improved search rankings while providing real value to our audience.

This approach not only drives traffic but also establishes universities as authoritative sources of information. It also helps to effectively engage prospective students throughout their decision-making journey.

Jason GilbertJason Gilbert
Founder, GradLabs

Drive Bookings with Instagram Campaigns

Instagram has consistently generated the most impressive results for our clients. We leverage Instagram to drive targeted traffic and bookings for hotels by running strategic social media campaigns tailored to their guests.

For example, one mountain resort saw direct bookings climb over 30% within weeks of launching an Instagram campaign. By targeting trip and nature enthusiasts, we achieved four times the engagement of their previous static posts. The visual experience of the campaign, combined with compelling offers, resonated strongly with potential guests.

Another hotel wanted to boost occupancy midweek. We crafted an Instagram campaign targeting business travelers, promoting their location near conference centers and amenities suited for work trips. The campaign delivered a 25% increase in midweek bookings, enabling the hotel to raise rates for those nights.

The key is using Instagram to reach your target audiences with visual content and messages that align perfectly with their interests. With the right targeting and creative strategy, Instagram marketing can be an extremely effective channel for driving direct bookings and revenue.

Shahar RubinShahar Rubin
Founder & CEO, Sail

Increase Leads with Local SEO

Of all the different marketing channels we’ve tried, local SEO has been the most consistent and reliable source of great results for our home improvement business.

We’ve been able to achieve high rankings in Google search results for home improvement services in our area by simply optimizing our Google My Business profile, making sure we’re listed in local directories, and targeting local keywords. We’ve generated a steady source of traffic to our website without having to pay for ads.

And one of the great things about being found through local SEO is that it connects us with people actively searching for our services while they’re still in the process of needing it, at that exact moment. Since we began getting positive local reviews and regularly updating our information with them, we’ve seen a significant increase in the amount of inquiries and consultations coming straight from Google searches. It’s a very good low-cost marketing strategy to build credibility in our local market and maintain a pipeline of qualified leads.

Tyler HullTyler Hull
Owner and General Manager, Modern Exterior

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