21 Ways to Tap the (Powder) Keg of Creator Marketing

Tap into the momentum of influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing is a “top 3” tactic for both marketing priorities and ROI in 2024. Is your influencer marketing game in place and ready to deliver peak performance this year?

Don’t get left behind. We’ve called in Jennifer Harmon, Convince & Convert’s influencer marketing expert, to share what makes a best practice influencer marketing program including 21 actionable tips and “dos & don’ts.”

Learn how to power up an effective influencer marketing program with insights and top brands’ success stories to:

  • Reap the benefits and avoid the pitfalls of an influencer program
  • Identify the best-fit voices to amplify your content
  • Explore ways to reach targeted niche audiences through topical and micro influencers
  • Set up the right approaches and contracts for a successful program
    Measure and optimize your program

PLUS: Receive an “Influencer Marketing Readiness Checklist” to help ensure that your organization is prepared for a content creator partnership program.

What: BUI: Buying Under the Influence Webinar

Where: Zoom

When: Thursday, February 22nd 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Pricing: FREE for members and $5 for nonmembers

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