Social media marketing is easy to do, but difficult to do well. It requires a keen eye for the details of how users interact and share content on each platform. 

What works on Facebook is less likely to succeed on other platforms without a change of format or promotion strategies.

The good news is that social media marketing campaigns can be tuned to a business’s needs to maximize their results. By using the insights gained from the past decade, marketing professionals can boost a brand’s sales with a social media presence. 

In this article, we’ll cover the five most effective ways to make a multi-channel marketing campaign successful.

1. Establish Your Social Media Marketing Goals

As with any complex operation, you’ll have better long-term success when you spend time on big picture planning to keep your efforts focused and purposeful. Social media can accomplish many goals beyond simply increasing your brand’s visibility to potential customers. 

  • It can drive engagement with a business.
  • It can promote awareness about a product or service.
  • It can even lead customers into a carefully prepared sales funnel. 

A marketing campaign can hit more than one of these goals simultaneously, but it’ll be more effective if you match them to your business’s position in the market.

For example, a business with only regional recognition that wants to become a national brand might focus half of its marketing content to brand awareness and use national audience settings when placing social media ads. 

The other half could be used to promote top products or engage with existing customers to drive sales. 

As the brand becomes better known, the national campaign could be dialed down and more resources aimed at product promotions and sales conversions.

2. Discover What Connects (and Disconnects) with Customers

Social media content audits are important to ensure that your marketing connects with your audience. There are several things to watch over time that can inform you when it’s time to change your messaging. 

Content that connects with consumers sometimes loses its effectiveness after several impressions in the same way that jokes are less funny after they’ve been heard too many times. 

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